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We the Women of Sion have fellowship together, in one place, and on one accord, in order that we might get spiritually closer with the Lord and learn how to trust and obey when his Spirit leads. However, let us not forget the meaning of RETREAT, it is a place where woman can go to escape the cares of this world. We must go into our secret closets, a place of retirement and seclusion to be taken up into the third heavens to commune with the Lord.

We the members of Women of Sion, the Women 's department of Last Days Full Gospel Apostolic Ministry, would

like to welcome you to our Annual Women's Retreat. We also would like to thank you for being a part of this blessed engagement that has been set aside for Women all around to withdraw from everyday battles and regroup with great ambition in the word of God. You are at liberty to be used by the Spirit of God and to let God have his way.

                   We also encourage you to enjoy Jesus and receive spiritual growth, deliverance, restoration, and rest. If you need

                           assistance please do not be afraid to ask. Whatever you need, God has already sanctified this occasion for his Women.

                                        Your Bond Servant,

                                        Apostle Dorothy L. Jett





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