The Holy Women of Sion was established by Apostle Dorothy L. Jett in Mannheim, Germany in 1988. During that time God began to speak to Apostle Jett about establishing a "Women Retreat". After hearing the voice of God she soon started searching for a location to conduct the retreat; that location was a place in the mountains called the Eagles Nest in Berchtesgarden, Germany.
God truly has blessed the woman of God with the vision that he had given her. Upon making preparation for the Berchtesgarden Retreat; we traveled by bus which was a (Double Decker); there were approximately 50-70 women, and 15-20 young ladies on board.
When we arrived at the hotel in Berchtesgarden-check in was promptly at 12:00 noon. There was a welcoming committee that received us; and later that evening we prepared for dinner. The first thing on the itinerary was check in , then dinner, and later dispersed to reconvene for the night service.
The next morning, the Women of Sion began the retreat with our morning prayer, and then we would go right into the classes which started at 9:00a.m.-11:15a.m.; then lunch was from 11:30a.m.-12:00noon; at that time we would commence for the next session of classes which began at 12:30p.m.-3:00p.m.; and dinner from 4:30p.m.-5:30p.m.; following was the night service. During these classes the women learned how to pray and pray through, how to love their husbands, children, and family, how to stay married, how to maintain a household (clean, wash, etc); how to break through in the things of God. During these three days (Thursdays-Saturday) as the retreat took place God had done a great manifestation of healing, deliverance, salvation, restoration, and seeing women be filled with the Holy Ghost; we knew that the power of God had met us there. The experience was phenomenal seeing God deliver many from demons, curses, and from witchcraft spirits. God performed miracles that some of the women marriages were restored.
In the meantime, the Jett's received orders to relocate to Hinesville, Georgia in 1995. It was then that Apostle Jett began to re-establish the Holy Women of Sion at Last Days Full Gospel Apostolic Ministry. The very first meeting was held at the Quality Suite in Brunswick, Georgia off of Hwy 17, until we out grew that facility. The next location was in Ridgeland, South Carolina at a Baptist Convention Center. Then the women of God had to relocate again this time back in Brunswick, Georgia to the Holiday Inn, on Hwy 25 Spur, and from that location to Pooler, Georgia then to Epworth by the Sea where we were at this location for five to six years.
Nonetheless, during Apostle Jett's transitions things would not have been possible without the help of those great women that helped her labor in the gospel during the retreats. Apostle Jett have had a numerous of Teachers/Facilitators- just to name a few; Apostle Deborah Richie, Apostle Glenda Bradley, Pastor McCallister, Pastor Tonya Brown, Prophetess Beverly Pollins, Evangelist Jacqueline Leath, Evangelist Dorothy Kilpatrick, Evangelist Loretta Martin, Evangelist Moss, Evangelist Pitts, Evangelist Karen Williams, and many more.
Apostle Jett greatest supporter and sponsor is Apostle Dr. Verbertha Tillis from Thomasville, Georgia; and Pastor Diane Washington who has gone ton to be with the Lord. Pastor Washington was one of the first Teachers/Preachers in Germany when the work was established. Evangelist Eunice Wilson was the first secretary in Hinesville, GA for about 8 years faithfully when Apostle Dorothy Jett came to the States.
In conclusion, God has truly blessed the Women of Sion, and the President/Founder/Coordinator Apostle Dorothy L. Jett , that words cannot express. God spoke to Apostle Jett in 2014, and instructed her to have the retreat in Hinesville, Georgia for the year 2015.
This is the year that God is going to do a renovation, reconstruction, and restoration;and God manifested himself with spiritual healing, natural healing, and divine healing from molestation, incest, rape, and mental scars; for God has magnificently demonstrated his love as few took a leap in heights an depths in a greater revelation, to the Women Running to Meet the Challenge.
Your Bondservant,
Apostle Dorothy L. Jett