Who Are The Women Of Sion
Who Are The Women Of Sion
We are the Holy Sisters of the Chief Cornerstone that lay in Sion (1 Peter 2:6). We are sisters built by Jesus Christ the Chief Cornerstone. We are a Chosen people, a Royal Priesthood, and a Holy and Peculiar people. We have the love for one another as disciples of Jesus Christ. We are holy like the Bible says and are filled with the power of the Holy Ghost. We have faith that moves mountains; we have love that covers all sins. We pray one for the other that Gods will be done. We fast and pray according to scripture; we strive with hope to see Jesus one day...face to face. We exhort therefore: Supplication, Prayer, Intercession, and Giving thanks be made for all men; for Kings and for all that are in authority; that we may live a quiet, peaceful life in all godliness and honesty. We live and act upon the Word of God. We are ARMED and DANGEROUS in the "HOLY GHOST"!!!!! Equipped with the power of life over victory and eternal life.
PRAYER- Prayer brings you into connection with God, Conversing in the Power.
Praise- Is a Weapon of Welfare, know that Victory is already Won.
Worship- Is a place of Releasing and Knowing that it is so in God; and Sealed by the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Now Here Is Good News For Our Women of Sion Sisters
Business Owners
If you have a business that you want to advertise in the Women of Sion Newsletter, Contact Evangelist Jackie Leath 803-331-9212 or email:
jacqueline.leath2@aol.com to see how to get your business printed in the newsletter.
We will send out Newsletters by email.
(For mail by request and must provide full address)
Note: We are a Christian Organization, and nothing that is obscene, or distasteful will be printed.
During the 2019 Retreat the Lord blessed everyone by manifesting himself to each one in so many ways. Some came in disappointment, some came in confusion, some came in heartache, some came in low self- was they "CAME". They pressed themselves to a place that God would surely meet them at. Ladies let me just encourage you here for a minute. No matter how hard things get throughout the year in your life, always know when you come to a Women Retreat, especially The Women of Sion being led by Apostle Dorothy Jett; knowing that she is truly a Anointed Woman of God that has already laid up prayers for the Retreat and for God to do extraordinary things for the sisters that press their way in coming; result will happen in life. As a sister myself with so many responsibilities that have to be done; sometimes things can get over tried to a point that it's feels like you are in the battle by yourself; but we know that kind of thinking is only the trick from the enemy, who want us to feel that we are here by ourselves. God told us in his Word that he will never leave us nor forsake us, so when ever you feel over tried or a place of loneliness; remember your Savior is right there with you, wanting you to allow him to take over the situation. The Love of Jesus, is not like man, but it surpass all of our understanding. Never let the Satan tell you that you can't make it, because you can! if you trust God and make him the head of your life.
The sisters were working together as body should be and was joyful in doing so. When the body can learn to work together in Love and Harmony, Jesus will bless us beyond our imagination. I really thank God for all the sisters, both old and New that came to the Retreat. Nothing feels so pleasant than having Unity among one another.
Fire, Fire, Is what we had at the 2018 Retreat. Souls were being set free, Healed, and refreshed in the Holy Ghost. It was an experience that you would have had to be there to really understand what I am saying right now. If you never have had an experience with God and you truly want to, then come out to the 2019 Retreat. You can start sending in money on this website. I am still lit from the Retreat with FIRE! Praise God - I am so excited about what Jesus did, and how he moved in the mist of us. We were so high in the Spirit, our speech was heavenly to one another. The Theme was Fire, and let me tell you, God poured out on us FIRE. For though's sisters that came with fire, and left with more fire, stay lit in the Holy Ghost, and light some one else up throughout the year, that they can make it through. God didn't give us Fire to let burn out, but for us to continue in lighting other fires in the Spirit of God who need help to come to Christ, or stay in Christ.